Tagged: religion
“Creating Connections between People that Don’t Let Go:” The Intricate Network of Catholic Peacemaking
by Virginia Zentgraf A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a Twitter post by aspiring theologian Mason Mennenga featuring a...
Allen Ginsberg, Religious Experience and the Anxiety of ‘Othering’
by Jonas Faust Throughout his five-decade career, Beat-poet-turned-countercultural-icon Allen Ginsberg [1] presented himself in- and outside of his poetic work...
James W.C. Pennington: Freedman, Scholar, Abolitionist
by Caitlin Smith As the 1834 fall term began, eager seminary students poured into the lecture halls of Yale Theological...
The Founding Fathers are Back from the Dead: 19th-Century Spiritualism and the American Civil Religion
By E. H. Messamore The 4th of July brings with it the usual paeans to the foundational principles of the...
“What a nun is supposed to be”: Black Power and the National Black Sisters’ Conference
by Venus Bender In his 1971 speech “On the Relevance of the Church” at the Theological Union in Berkeley, California,...
The Lord Is A Man of War: A Review of James Byrd’s A Holy Baptism of Fire and Blood – The Bible and the American Civil War
by Edward Manger In October of 1994, a group of historians gathered at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to participate in...
Civil Conversations About Faith: A Sociolinguist’s View
By Dr. Linda Sauer Bredvik To paraphrase Nietzsche—is religion dead, and have we killed it? Contrary to predictions by sociologists...