The Power of Humor: How Political Comedy Can Make or Break a Presidential Campaign
By Dr. Caroline Leicht Almost seven in ten Americans attribute the quote “I can see Russia from my house” to...
By Dr. Caroline Leicht Almost seven in ten Americans attribute the quote “I can see Russia from my house” to...
by Leyla Abbasi When Tim Walz first dubbed Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance “weird” and it caught...
By Richard Lange More than twenty years ago, in 2002, the American foreign policy expert Robert Kagan published his...
by Eva Rieger American Exceptionalism entails the belief in the United States’ outstanding characteristics and is rooted in classical liberal...
By Stefanie Wallbraun Political violence in the United States has increased sharply over the past decade. Aggravated by populist actors...
by Shasha Lin TikTok, a video-sharing app launched in the fall of 2017, is the first Chinese social media platform...
By Sebastian Mayer In the wake of renewed protests surrounding the movement for Black Lives, accompanied by the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Dr. Tobias Endler zu seinem neu erschienenen Buch Game Over. Im November 2020 atmet Deutschland hörbar aus. Joe Biden...
ISSN: 2628-278X
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